Beer review 014 : Vedett Extra Blond
The two Chris's are in the park and check out a Belgium Blonde (beer). Can we resist the charms of Vedett Extra Blond?
Get yourself some Vedett Extra Blond and see if you agree with the boys here:
They say:
If blonds really do have more fun, imagine what they’d say about Vedett Extra Blond?! After all, who can resist her seductive straw colour and pearly-white head?
Her smooth, malty character with subtly balanced hops? Or her lingering fruitiness with subtle notes of vanilla?
Whatever your weakness, this premium pilsner offers full-bodied, thirst-quenching refreshment from start to finish. With a slightly bitter aftertaste to keep you on your toes.
Malts: Pale Barley, Rice
Hops: Saa-Saaz, Styrian Golding, Hallertau Magnum