Beer review 008 : Muflon Dry Hop 12° Lager
Continuing our C19 Chronicles, Chris review some Czech beer and watches the football. Keeping things as simple as possible. Please drink responsibly!
Muflon (moufflon) refers to the nearby Kunratice forest where wild moufflons live. The Prague suburb Kunratice enjoys a rich brewing tradition, but the local brewery stopped brewing in 1901 so the brewing tradition is renewed after 115 years.
Dry hopping, so popular these days, was used by Czech brewers of old. This technique extracts the best from Saazer hops, resulting in a beer delicacy with a distinct hops aroma and a surprisingly balanced bitter flavour.
MALTS:Pilsener, Bavarian
HOPS: Sladek, Saaz, medium-erly Red
ABV: 5 %
IBU: 22.05