Beer review 009 : Muflon Red Ale 13° Beer

Chris is enjoying the football match and getting in another Czech Beer review.

This one maybe cloudy because it off. We'll try and get another sample.

Still keeping things as simple as possible. Please drink responsibly!

Muflon (moufflon) refers to the nearby Kunratice forest where wild moufflons live. The Prague suburb Kunratice enjoys a rich brewing tradition, but the local brewery stopped brewing in 1901 so the brewing tradition is renewed after 115 years.

Top fermented ale of ruby colour. To be true to the ale style, we exclusively use foreign malts, overseas hops and original ale yeast, and follow traditional ale brewing techniques, achieving an entirely different hops aroma and flavour profile distinguished by citrus and floral notes.

MALTS: Pilsener, Pale Ale, Carafed, Melanoidin, Carafa

HOPS: Columbus, Citra, Chinok, Cascade, Amarillo

ABV: 5.4 %

IBU: 76.0


Beer review 010 : Muflon Amore Mio Single hop 14.5° IPA


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